Who We Are

BMCNO is a social club dedicated to appreciating, preserving and driving British motor vehicles.  Membership is open to anyone who drives, owns, has owned, or is interested in British cars or motorcycles. Founded in 1977 as the Louisiana Centre of the MG Car Club, the name was changed to British Motoring Club – New Orleans to expand membership to all British cars.  The majority of our members own MGs and Triumphs, but there are dozens of British marques represented from Austin Healey to Sunbeam.

Roughly of 35% of our members live in New Orleans, 30% on the North Shore of Lake Pontchartrain and 25% in the Baton Rouge area. The rest are scattered across the Southeast from Dallas, TX to Pensacola, FL!

We are affiliated chapter of both the North American MGB Register and the Vintage Triumph Register.  We encourage our MGB and Triumph owners to click to join their Register.

2024 British Motoring Festival, Covington, LA
2024 British Motoring Festival, Covington, LA

Monthly Meetings

The monthly meetings are held in New Orleans, the North Shore of Lake Pontchartrain and in Baton Rouge.

At meetings, members discuss past club activities, plans for future events, and report on progress with their automotive projects.

Frequently, we have speakers, both members and guests, on topics ranging from insurance for classic cars, the history of the AH Sprite to everything you should know about gasohol in classic cars.

Non-members are welcome to drop in for the monthly meetings and most events to “try us out”.

(We regret that club subsidized events such as the Christmas Party and spring Crawfish Boil are open only to members and their spouse/guest.)


We schedule an activity every month somewhere in Southeastern Louisiana, and occasionally further afield.  Generally, we take a drive of several hours, visiting an area attraction – museum, exhibit, plantation house, etc. – and stopping along the way at a restaurant for a meal.  (We sometimes joke BMCNO stands for “Big Meal Club New Orleans!!)

2025 BMCNO at Middendorf’s Restaurant

Tech Sessions

A few times a year we plan a tech session. They can be hosted by a club member or by any of the local community colleges with an automotive section.  Tech sessions have covered repair demonstrations, restoration, and detailing topics and sometimes a work session with a specialized piece of equipment.

2024 Northshore Technical College

Our Car Show

2024 British Motoring Festival, Covington, LA

Our signature event is the New Orleans British Motoring Festival, our annual car show.  This show has been held every spring (except 2020) since 1984.  Over a hundred British cars and motorcycles from around the country gather for this event.  We have had entries from as far as Canada!  Cars are judged by popular vote and trophies awarded in around two dozen different classes by marque and model.

Other Car Shows

We frequently attend area non-British classic car shows in New Orleans, North Shore and Baton Rouge.  We also organize weekend trips to regional British car shows in Natchez MS, Pensacola FL and Fairhope AL.

2024 Brits on the Bluffs, Natchez, MS
2024 Brits on the Bluffs, Natchez, MS

Facebook: British Motoring Club New Orleans Group
Facebook: British Motoring Club New Orleans – BMCNO 

British Motoring Club New Orleans (BMCNO)
P. O. BOX 73213
Metairie, LA 70033-3213

Contact BMCNO