Call to Arms! Brits on the Bluff is Sept 18-19, 2020
Hey guys and gals – hope everyone is safe and virus free. We don’t know what the future holds, just that it will be much different from what any of us have ever known. That being said, I’d like to do a tentative “Call to Arms” over the remaining British car shows in 2020, Fairhope AL in October, and Natchez, Mississippi on September 18th & 19th.
A group of us from BR have been going to Natchez for years, meeting the N.O. guys in Gloster, LA on the way up then lunching at a restaurant in Natchez. Folks, I can tell you from experience this is a GREAT weekend! The Grand hotel is right on the bluff overlooking the Mississippi river and man what a view! Friday night you just walk across the street from the Grand to the Bowie Tavern for a nice reception. Other hotels are a short drive away…
Saturday the car show is next to Rosalie Plantation, again on the bluffs – walking distance from the Grand and downtown. Shade trees, a breeze and plenty of little British cars. It is one of the best locations for a car show I have ever seen! They usually have food on the grounds, but some women go downtown to “Cotton’s” for the “Queens Lunch,” and a few of us guys head over to the “Pig Out In” for a “Kings” Lunch. LOL
We really need to support this club as their show has fallen off in numbers in recent years – and we can’t understand why! Here is a website link to the Mississippi English Motoring Club. If you have any questions or need more details on past trips just let me know. Hope to see you there!
For more info click here
Roving Reporter, Bobby Spann