Fairhope Alabama was one of the best shows yet, even though they didn’t have the Bellingrath Girls this year… 🙁

All-you-can eat Friday supper, door prizes + $500 cash giveaways, a beautiful day Saturday… Arh, Arh, Arh!

A record 154 cars on the field, close to 50 MGB’s and the 250,000th MGB-GT ever made!  A few of our club members won awards and Danny was runner up for the valve cover races on their new track.  My vote for coolest couple goes to Jack and Audrey Kennedy who drove their 1957 MG to the show from New Orleans!

Me, Randy, and the Huber brothers cruised to the MS welcome center Friday and met up with North and South Shore members, but they all decided to cruise the coast.  Wally & Lulu and Darrell and Margaret pulled in just as the 4 of us were leaving for Mobile, where we joined Danny & Dana, their neighbors Jimmy & Louann and my brother Benny and his wife Pat for lunch at Wintzell’s Oyster House.  Fantastic!!!

Saturday night the Hubers joined the Bradley’s at a French restaurant while D&D, Randy and me went to Agave’s Mexican restaurant on Hwy 98.  It was GREAT and we had a blast!  Couple of mechanical glitches over the weekend in a couple of BR cars but we got them sorted in short order.  Damn we’re good!

Sunday morning Randy & I hooked up with the Bradley’s, Hughes and Steigler’s for a nice smooth trip home.  At 62 miles an hour!  then Randy and I stopped at Don’s in Hammond and pigged out once again.  See a theme here?

We missed the rest of you guys!!!

Roving Reporter

Bobby Spann

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